How to Use Our Website

We have questions from time to time, about where to find things on this site. So, we thought we’d put together a guide of where to go when you want to find something specific here on the Linwood Farms HOA website.  PLEASE REMEMBER: Any time you are communicating with the board or a committee about your property, you should include your street address.

managmentMANAGEMENT:  To find out how to contact our HOA Management company, visit this page: (Our Neighborhood in the top menu).

malboxMAILBOXES:  There are now three approved mailbox styles in our neighbhorhood. The green wood version that was installed by Ryland when your home was built, the Wendover Model from Carolina Mailboxes, or the one from Watson Steel and Iron. Learn More

builderBUILDER:  Need to contact the builder about an issue with your home, or about your warranty? Visit this page: (Our Neighborhood in the top menu).

phonePHONE NUMBERS AND NAMES:  If you need a phone number for any Mooresville entity (including schools, utility companies, animal control, government officials, etc.  Visit this page: (Our Neighborhood in the top menu).

covenantsCOVENANTS (CC & Rs): If you need a copy of our community CC & Rs, or want to review any policies, visit this page: (Forms & Documents in the top menu).

guidelinesARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES: If you are planning any improvements to your property, and you’d like to read our Architectural Guidelines, visit this page: (Committees, then Architectural Review in the top menu)

formsARC REQUEST FORMS: Need to request approval for an improvement to your property?  You’ll want to fill out the Linwood Farms Architectural Request Form.  Visit this page: (Committees, then Architectural Review in the top menu)

violationREPORTING VIOLATIONS: If you’d like to report a violation in the neighborhood, you can use the confidential form on our website (it goes directly to Cedar Management and no one else).  Visit this page and click on “Report a Violation” in the right sidebar area: (Committees, then Architectural Review in the top menu)

pool-reportREPORTING POOL INCIDENTS: If you see an incident or rule violation at our pool, please report it as soon as possible.  Visit this page: (there’s also a link to this page on the Pool Committee page in the right sidebar area. Click on “Report an Incident”)

emailEMAILING THE BOARD OR COMMITTEES:  There is a button on each individual committee page, and on the Board of Directors page that will take you to a contact form.  Those emails go directly to the chairperson of the Committee, or in the case of the BOD, to the entire Board of Directors.

newsCOMMUNITY NEWS:  Need to find out about a meeting or something that affects the entire community?  Visit this page: (Our Neighborhood, then Community News in the top menu).  This is the area where you would find posts about Annual Meetings that would include downloadable Proxies or Nomination forms each year.

committee-newsCOMMITTEE NEWS:  Like to know what’s going on with our Committees?  Click on Committees in the top menu, then select your committee in the drop down menu.  News for each committee can be found on these pages, as well as Committee members and contact info (in the sidebar area).

archivesNEWSLETTER ARCHIVES  can be found here: (click on the Newsletters button in the sidebar of any page)

eventsEVENTS:  Our calendar can be found here: (click on the Event Calendar button in the sidebar of any page).

watchCOMMUNITY WATCH INFO: (Our Neighborhood, then Community Watch in the top menu). 

newsletterEMAIL NEWS:  Want to receive our monthly newsletter on the 20th of each month?  Sign up for it in the sidebar area of any page on the site.  You won’t just receive news, you’ll also receive important announcements and Crime Alerts.  Make sure that is in your allowed email addresses on your computer, so the messages don’t go to your spam folder.

IMPORTANT: The newsletter is sent by the webmaster of Linwood Farms, not by the Board. Please do not reply to the newsletter via email with any complaints or neighborhood issues…your replies will not be seen by anyone.


WEBSITE QUESTIONS: to contact the webmaster with any questions ABOUT THE WEBSITE – (Please do not send messages regarding the HOA to the website administrator.)