
Our website receives an average of 1,029 unique visits per day, and our mailing list has 300 members (updated 9/4/18). Not only will your ad reach the homes in the Linwood Farms neighborhood, but also anyone who may be moving to the Mooresville area. We are on the first page in Google for the search phrase “Mooresville HOA”.


Linwood Farms – Available Advertising:

We currently accept 2 sizes of ad graphics (images) on our website. Members may advertise items for sale, or services in the Newsletter classified ads (text ads, no graphics).

Proceeds from Advertising go to the Linwood Farms Social Committee, to help our Community pay for special events.


Graphic Ad Sizes and Pricing

These will be linked images on the website.


250x100 ad
250×100 Pixel Image Ad
Member Price: $7/mo.
Non-member Price: $10/mo.
Maximum number of characters = 50


250×250 Pixel Image Ad
Member Price: $11/mo.
Non-member Price: $15/mo.
Maximum number of characters = 100


Important Information

PLEASE NOTE: these are graphic (image) ads. They can be linked once, either to an email address or a website.

Please try to keep your ad within the maximum number of characters (with a logo or photo it may be less, depending on the size of that image). To assist you in creating your ad, use this FREE online character counting tool


Checks should be made payable to Linwood Farms HOA with “Advertising” in memo.

  • All ads must be family friendly*. Ads must be approved before publication begins.
  • Proceeds from Advertising go to the Linwood Farms Social Committee.
  • You MUST fill out and SIGN our Advertising Agreement Form

Your request for advertising space will be reviewed, and you will receive a confirmation by email or phone when approved. Once your ad has been approved, your payment must be received before your ad can begin to run. If you do not have a graphic suitable for the space, we will create one for you free of charge, using your supplied logo. Any graphic we create may not be used on any other website, and will be the property of Linwood Farms.

Questions about availability, website traffic stats, or content? Email the webmaster:

*Advertising graphics may not include adult content; racial, sexual, and/or religious attacks; profanity; or materials illegal in the state of North Carolina.

Linwood Farms HOA